Working with Lists and Libraries
You add content to a SharePoint site
using lists and libraries. Lists and their associated views provide a flexible
mechanic for storing most kinds of information. Libraries, a special form of a
list, usually store documents and their associated metadata. Lists and
libraries provide users the ability to gain feedback instantly, get updates,
and see historical information on data much more quickly and easily than using
traditional methods of communication such as e-mail, network file shares, and
so on.
2010, like previous versions, stores data in lists that are similar to
Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Much of the data consumed in SharePoint sites is
located in lists, and each list item contains unique attributes. SharePoint
2010 offers standard templates to create lists as well as to provide the
capability to create custom lists based on the structure and requirements of a
user’s application.
SharePoint 2010 contains list
enhancements to assist content administrators in gaining better control of
their data. Configuration options and content control allow business users and
content administrators to manage and ensure that fresh, relevant content to
their users. Some of the list enhancements are
■ New input form
■ New list view
■ Enhanced list lookup capabilities
■ Referential integrity in the
list—enforcing unique values
■ Cascading
List Input Form
One key to keeping data consistent in
lists is the methodologies the users use to input data. If the user is required
to upload data, remember links, and/or break information into separate pieces,
each step paves the way to errors and input control issues. One change to lists
that was frequently requested in the past has finally been added as an
enhancement to SharePoint 2010: the ability to provide a single interface for
adding list information, whether it is an image, document, link, or other
textual information. Furthermore, the input screens, which were not always easy
to use—especially for a beginner SharePoint user—have also been improved.
The new data entry forms for list items are much more
user friendly. Gone are the difficult-to-edit HTML pages that defined user
inputs; now an elegant pop-up form provides you with an easy method for user
input. Figure 1-10 shows the new input form for SharePoint lists.
FIGURE 1-10 the new SharePoint 2010 list input form
The new Ribbon
provides easy access to relevant information necessary for updating the list
item. The Ribbon icons change depending on the context and the column type. For
example, if you are working in a rich text field, you’ll be presented with many
familiar Microsoft Word functions, such as the Editing Tools tab on the Ribbon,
shown in Figure 1-11.
1-11 The Editing Tools tab on the Ribbon
Further, when
you click the Insert tab under Editing Tools, the new forms that appear allow
you to insert a table, picture, or link onto the page. You can also upload a
picture directly into the rich text box to provide additional information as
needed to describe the list item. The process of adding graphic elements to a
page has been streamlined—no longer do you have to leave the Add or Edit form
to first upload an image, then find the URL, and finally paste it in the box. Figure
1-12 shows the interface presented when an image is uploaded. Note that
SharePoint will automatically upload the image into the list you specified.
1-12 The Select Picture dialog box allows you to upload an image
directly to the list you specify.
The seamless
interface is continued, as shown in Figure 1-13, by prompting you for the title
of the image and any other columns defined by the SharePoint library selected.
1-13 Set file properties for an uploaded image
After the file
successfully uploads to the list, the List Edit page reloads and the Ribbon now
contains a Picture Tools tab. This tab allows you to execute actions on the
image, such as changing the picture, position, size, and URL information, as
shown in Figure 1-14.
1-14 The Picture Tools tab lets you manipulate an image uploaded to a
Inserting a table is just as simple and
also offers rich features you can use to customize the table. The methods are
very similar to inserting a table in a Microsoft Word document, setting the
rows and columns and selecting table styles and formatting elements. The Table
Tools Layout tab on the Ribbon provides you with an array of table layout
functions, shown in Figure 1-15.
1-15 The Table Tools Layout tab on the Ribbon
The Table Tools
Design tab features the Ribbon shown in Figure 1-16.
1-16 The Table Tools Design tab on the Ribbon
The method for
formatting URLs has been improved as well. When you insert a URL using the
Ribbon, you can type a description, open the link into a new tab, and display
an icon. Figure 1-17 shows the Link Tools tab on the Ribbon, with options for
formatting hyperlinks.
1-17 The Link Tools tab on the Ribbon provides options for formatting
URLs as links on a page.
SharePoint 2010, you have many options for entering information into lists, and
with enhanced features such as the rich text box, you can clearly articulate
the information requested by list content managers.
Another feature
new to list form templates are the Add New and Edit forms. These forms are
similar to each other, providing another consistent user interface. When you
click Edit in the Ribbon, the Edit form opens and you can use it to perform
data updates on the list item. When you edit an existing list item, you also
can view more information about it to manage permissions, check version history
(if available for the list), or delete the list item. The Edit form is shown in
Figure 1-18.
1-18 SharePoint 2010 Edit form
When you have
updated the item, the list view will look like the screen shown in Figure 1-19.
Notice that in the list view you see the full rich text of the list elements.
1-19 Rich text list view
The seamless
data entry process provided in SharePoint 2010 will reduce data errors and
frustration levels for all users. Now you can easily enter data in a format
that suits your needs, and power users and content managers will have cleaner,
more appropriate data with less expensive custom development efforts.
List Templates
When you create a new site, several
lists are automatically available for use. The site developer should experiment
with the different list types before determining which list template provides
the best functionality and the features most needed. For example, the Team Site
template will create Calendar, Tasks, and Status lists. Each of these lists
will provide the user with different functionality.
As in previous
versions of SharePoint, the custom list provides a good introduction to using
and managing list data. When you create a custom list, it allows you to add
views, columns, and items as needed, as shown in Figure 1-20.
Site Action StripBreadcrumb
1-20 SharePoint site list view
■ Items
Rows of individual data components.
■ Columns
Define the types of data located in the row. Columns can be
created to contain only certain information, such as e-mail addresses, URLs,
and dates. Customized and lookup data types are also available. Columns such as
Create/Modify Date and Create/Modified By are usually not shown by default;
however, they are part of the list.
■ Site
Action Strip Allows a user or content administrator to access and perform
different functions on lists. You can find functions such as changing views,
adding columns, and exporting data here.
■ Breadcrumb
navigation As with previous version of SharePoint, breadcrumb navigation
helps to define the user’s location within the SharePoint Farm hierarchy.
Having breadcrumb navigation available is important so users can quickly
navigate within the various SharePoint sites. By default, breadcrumb navigation
is replaced with the Ribbon as actions on content are available to the user.
The new Ribbon toolbars relocate common
tasks and dynamically adjust based on your security role. The following images
show what a content manager or administrator might see. Figure 1-21 shows the
actions that can be completed on individual items in the list such as a
document or list item.
1-21 Available actions on the Items tab
Figure 1-22
shows the actions that can be done on the list itself. These actions allow the
administrator or power user to modify and create views, export list items to
Excel or a document in other Office applications, and change list settings.
1-22 SharePoint 2010 Ribbon bars
Creating a List
The process of creating a list is very
similar to creating a site. Several list templates are available; Figure 1-23
shows the available list templates using the new Silverlight menu controls.
Each of the default templates shown in Figure 1-23 showcases different features
that are available for use with list data.
1-23 SharePoint 2010 Create List types
To create a
custom list, a content administrator can go to the SharePoint team site and follow
these steps
1. Click Site Actions and the select More Options to open a new
window with all the SharePoint site templates available (Figure 1-23).
2. Click the List
3. Choose the list
type you want to create.
4. Type the name
for the list and then click Create.
After you have
created a list, you will see the new, empty list appear along with the task
Ribbon bars described in the previous section. Now you can add data, columns,
and views to the list.
Managing List Columns
The power of lists resides in creating
columns that will help to provide users with the metadata they want and need.
As when designing a SQL database or other business application, it is important
to understand the types of metadata users will require and how the data relates
to other corporate information. For example, if a corporation wanted to upload
all project files into a SharePoint document library, metadata would be
required to link the files together. Thus, a column would need to be created
that would hold the project name or identifying number so a user would be able
to find all documents relating to a specific project. Other columns might be
created that would link information such as clients and business groups. All
SharePoint columns have a specific type and validation for associated data.
Columns can be added to
■ Show text and other basic information
■ Provide predefined choices for the user
for enhanced grouping or filtering
■ Link to other site data
■ Calculate values based on data in other
Figure 1-24 shows
the list of standard column types available in SharePoint 2010.
1-24 Standard column types available on the Create Column Creating, Editing, and Deleting Columns
You can insert columns to prompt a user
to provide additional information for an item in the list. To add columns to a
list, complete the following steps.
1. Open the list
and click the List tab under List Tools.
2. Click the
Create Column icon.
3. Type a short,
descriptive name for the column.
4. Choose the
column type for the information to be stored in the list.
5. Specify any
additional settings as needed. The settings displayed are dependent on the
column type and will dynamically change to reflect the column type you choose.
You will find settings such as Required Information and Enforce Unique Values
in this section.
NOTE If you choose the Enforce Unique Values option,
you will be asked to index the column. It is important to click OK so SharePoint
will index the column to improve system performance. Further, if you are
modifying an existing field to make it unique, SharePoint will validate the
data and return an error if the data already in the column is not unique.
6. Add column
validation as needed. You can specify a formula that will validate the data in
this column when new items are saved to this list. The formula must return a
true or false validation and cannot refer to other fields in the list. Example:
If a column is named Length Of Project, a valid formula would be [Length of
Project] > 0.
7. Type a
description for the validation formula and an example of what is needed for the
validation to pass. Example column description: Please enter the number of
days the project will last: 40.
8. Click OK to
create the column.
When you have
completed these steps, the list refreshes and returns the user context with the
added column.
NOTE If you plan to use column names in queries or
through a Web service, SharePoint Application Programming Interface (API), or
other method, columns names should not contain spaces for better behavior
within queries and API calls. If the column is created as LengthofProject and
then modified to show Length Of Project, it will be possible to reference the
column through the various APIs as LengthofProject, yet have it display to
users with the spaces included.
To see a list
of columns created for a list, click List Settings in the Ribbon. All columns
in the list display. If the column name is selected, you can modify the column
settings as needed. Be careful when changing a column type, because SharePoint
will warn you that data might be lost. For example, changing a rich text box to
a single line of text will result in SharePoint dropping any data that is
longer than the new type will support. The validation rules might need to be
adjusted as well. SharePoint does not allow certain column types to be changed
to other column types. If this is required, the columns must be deleted and
re-created. Understanding the column data and its requirements avoids having
to make column type changes to lists.
You can delete
a column by clicking List Settings in the Ribbon, just as when you modify a
column. When you select Delete, all the data in that column is deleted, and recovery
is impossible using the SharePoint Recycle Bin.
IMPORTANT Use caution when deleting a column, because data
in a deleted column cannot be retrieved later.
Types of Columns
There are three common column types in
SharePoint 2010: information, lookup, and calculated columns. New column types
such as external data and managed metadata will be discussed in Chapter 14,
“Administering Enterprise Content Management.”
The traditional information-gathering
columns used in SharePoint, such as Single Line Of Text and Hyperlink Or
Picture, allow the user to enter supporting information for the list item. For
example, in a project list, supporting information could include a project
description, the start and end dates of the project, and the project owner.
Figure 1-25 shows an example of a new project list with these types of
information columns.
1-25 List view of a project list with information columns added
Lookup columns, enhanced to show
additional column information from the referenced list, allow a user to link
list data together. To create a lookup column in list view, complete the
following steps.
1. Click List
under the List Tools tab.
2. Click Create
Column to display the Column page.30 CHAPTER 1 Understanding the Basics of Collaboration in SharePoint
3. Type the column
4. Choose Lookup
(Information Already On This Site).
5. Set the
additional column settings for the column as shown in Figure 1-26.
the new options available in SharePoint 2010. Lookup columns are now able to
show more than one column from the referenced list. To show additional column
information from a lookup list, select the check box to Allow Multiple Values
under the In This Column drop-down box. After you have selected the check box,
columns will be created for each selected column metadata. This capability is
important so the user can be presented with the necessary information with
fewer clicks. In Figure 1-26, if a user needed the ability to view a contact’s
Mobile Number and Home Phone alongside the current list data, the Allow
Multiple Values, Home Phone, and Mobile Number check boxes would all be
FIGURE 1-26 creating a
6. Set the
relationship by choosing whether to enforce relationship behavior when the list
item is deleted. When an item in the target list is deleted, a cascade delete
will delete all related items in this list. A restricted delete prevents
deletion of a list item in the selected target list if one or more referenced
items exists in the list. For example, a project list is created that details
information about the projects in the engineering group. A secondary list,
called Project Tasks, is also created, and it has a column lookup to the
project list.
7. If the Enforce
Relationship Behavior check box (shown in Figure 1-27) is selected and Restrict
Delete is selected, the user cannot delete a project until all referenced
Project Tasks have been deleted. If the Enforce Relationship Behavior option is
selected and Cascade Delete is selected, as shown in Figure 1-27, all items in
the Project Tasks will be deleted if the project list item is deleted.
FIGURE 1-27 Enforce
Relationship Behavior option
8. With
Referential Integrity selected, you will be prompted to index the column. Click
9. Click OK to
create the column.
Figure 1-28
shows the list with an added lookup column.
1-28 Default list view with added lookup column
The lookup
column called Contact has a value of 1 in Figure 1-28, and the Contact:First
Name column is also viewable in the list, thereby showing two columns from the
referenced list for users. Since this lookup column was set to Cascade Delete
when the column was created, this list entry will be deleted in the event that
the user SharePointAdmin (the Contact:FirstName column entry) is deleted.
Calculated columns bring content
together from other columns in the list. In the section titled “Creating,
Editing, and Deleting Columns” earlier in this chapter, you were asked to type
the length of the project (see Figure 1-18). Since the project start and end
dates are part of the list item metadata, the project length can be calculated
by the system. A calculated column can be created by following these steps.32
CHAPTER 1 Understanding the
Basics of Collaboration in SharePoint 2010
1. Open the list and click List under the
List Tools tab.
2. Click Create
Column to display the create Column page.
3. Type the column
4. Click
Calculated Column.
5. Create a
formula based on existing columns, as shown in Figure 1-29.
6. Click OK.
FIGURE 1-29 Adding a
calculated column to a list
MORE INFO For additional information about how to use
calculated values, navigate to
Indexing Columns
With SharePoint 2010, large lists are
now a supported feature. SharePoint now enables sites to have virtually
unlimited numbers of items in lists and libraries. However, the core of the
SharePoint platform is Microsoft SQL Server, and performance is affected when
large amounts of data are queried without the use of indexes. Therefore, it is
important to index large lists to streamline overall performance.
When setting up
indexes for large lists, consider the following points.
■ Microsoft has
increased the number of columns in a list index to 20 in SharePoint 2010.
■ Each column index consumes resources in
the database. Farm or content administrators should only add indexes to columns
that will be actively used in views.
■ Columns that have been set to allow
multiple values cannot be indexed and will not be listed.
To add an index
to a site, complete the following steps.
1. Click List
under the List Tools tab and then select List Settings.
2. Click Indexed
3. When the
current indexes on the list are shown, click Create A New Index.
4. Click the
column that you want to use for the primary column in the index.
5. Select the
secondary index column. If this field is left blank, the resulting index will
be a single column index. If a second column is specified, the resulting index
becomes a compound index in which only certain fields can participate.
6. Click OK.
Sorting and Filtering
Sorting and filtering list data,
especially when there are a large number of items in a list, is beneficial not
only for SharePoint performance as a whole, but also in assisting you in
finding information quickly and easily in a list.
Lists in
SharePoint 2010, like previous versions, allow users to sort and filter data
using techniques generally found in other Microsoft Office applications. Each
heading in the list view allows you to sort or filter the data based on your
needs or requirements. For example, if you want to sort your tasks by date, a
simple click on the Date column header to reformat the list data sorted by
date. By clicking the Date column header again, the data in the column will be
sorted in reverse date order, and you will see the list refreshed to show it in
that order in the new list view. As shown in Figure 1-30, when the arrow in the
header bar is pointing up, the list is sorted in ascending order; when the
arrow in the header bar is pointing down, the list is sorted in descending
1-30 List sorting and filtering
Filtering, on
the other hand, differs from sorting in that it allows you to view only the
data in a list that meets specific criteria. Filtering lets you to sift through
large amounts of data to find only the data you need, based on the information
contained in a column you select. If you want to view all tasks due today, for
example, click the arrow next to the Date Due column heading, and a drop-down
list displays the available dates to use as a filter for the list. When you
select today’s date to use as a filter, only the tasks in the list due on that
date will appear in the list view. You will see a funnel-shaped icon displayed
in the column header when filtering is enabled.
IMPORTANT Not all columns support filtering. Notable
columns are Multiple Lines Of Text and hyperlink.
List Views
Although user sorting and filtering are
useful, an even more powerful feature is list views, in which you can use
predefined sorting and filtering to determine what you see in the list—you do
not need to resort or add a filter each time you view the list. List views
allow users, content managers, and administrators to prefilter and/or sort
lists to provide the user with only data relevant to the user. List views
describe the data, columns, sorting of data, and the style used to present the
data. Views, unlike traditional reports, are dynamic and refresh every time the
page loads.
List views can
be either public or private, meaning that the content manager or administrator
can set up predefined views for all users to see, or a user can create a
personal view that describes the list data in a way that suits his or her
specific needs at the time. All of the sorting and filtering preferences can be
saved for use later.
Farm and
content administrators should consider the following points when working with
list views.
■ Only one indexed column can be used in
a view filter. Even though filtering on different columns is possible, the
first column in the view should be indexed to reduce the overall number of
items returned.
■ A view can encompass more than one
search criteria; however, any view that uses an OR filter does not have any
index benefits described here.
■ Defining an item limit in the view does
not provide the same results as a filtered view.
■ You should always use a filter that
will return no more items than needed. If a list has 10,000 items, for example,
but 9500 of them are not needed daily, add a filter to the default view.
To create a
list view, complete the following steps.
1. Click List
under the List Tools tab and then select List Settings.
2. Click Create
3. Choose either a
view format or the option to start from an existing view.
4. Type a view
5. Choose either a
public or personal view.
6. Choose the
columns and set the order in which the columns will be displayed
7. Choose the
sorting method needed—if none is chosen, the list will sort by ID.
8. Choose the
columns to filter.
9. Choose whether
to allow inline editing. If inline editing is enabled, each row will have an
Edit button that enables edit features without requiring the user to leave the
view. Inline editing is only available when the style is set to Default.
10. Choose whether
to allow tabular view. These check boxes allow you to select multiple items in
a view and perform bulk actions such as Delete.
11. Choose the
columns to group by.
12. Choose totals,
if needed.
13. Change the
style for the view if needed.
14. Display all
items with or without folders.
15. Choose an item
limit to limit the amount of data that is returned to users of this view. You
can either make this an absolute limit or allow users to view all the items in
the list in batches of a specified size.
16. When a view has
been enabled for mobile access, it is also possible to make the view the
default view for users of mobile devices. This allows content views to be
tailored for both the PC (which may have additional columns and/or graphics) and
for mobile users, providing the latter with a simpler, lightweight view. When a
mobile user views the list, she can click the key field (specified in the view
in mobile settings) to view the entire content record.
17. Click OK.
When the view
is created, the page is refreshed and the new view appears. To change the view
back to the default, click the List tab in List Tools and click the arrow under
Current View, as shown in Figure 1-31; then select Default from the drop-down
1-31 Changing the list view
To see the
inline editing in action, select the check box to the left of the list item you
want to edit. SharePoint highlights the row and the Ribbon changes to the Items
action tab under List Tools, as shown in Figure 1-32. A new Edit button appears
to the left of the first column. If you click the Edit button, you can list
items within the view.
FIGURE 1-32 Edit list items
within the view
To save the
changes you make, click the blue Save icon. To cancel the edits you made, click
the red X icon. To add new items using this view, click the green plus sign (+)
icon found below the last item in the list.
List Concepts
Additional features in SharePoint 2010
lists allow for additional customization and administration of list data. By
providing support for large lists, site columns, and advanced input forms, site
administrators are able to control not only the data into the list, but server
resources, global farm access to list data, and the methods users use to enter
data into lists.
Large List Support
SharePoint has traditionally been able
to support large lists; however, the challenge has always been to make the data
in large lists available for retrieval and display in a timely and efficient
manner. Although a user can create millions of items in a SharePoint list, the
query operation slows as the size of the list grows. A new addition to
SharePoint 2010 is large list support throttling. Throttling allows farm
administrators to set manageable limits on the number of items queried from a
SharePoint 2010 list. Using throttling, SharePoint 2010 encourages developers
and farm administrators to control large list queries to improve the
performance of a SharePoint farm.
thresholds are set on site collections. By default, standard users are
throttled at 5000 items returned from a list, with a warning threshold at 3000
items. (See Table 1-6 for a list of items that would be throttled.) These
values can be changed using Windows PowerShell commands. The throttling
mechanic works as follows: If a user is pulling back a list with 4999 items,
the query returns all of the data without error; however, if the user or query
tries to retrieve 5001 items, an expensive query exception will be returned.
The following parameters are set by default.
■ Warning for user throttling at 3000
■ Standard user throttling at 5000 items
■ Super user throttling at 20,000 items
NOTE Developers can request a throttle override from
the Object Model by using SPQuery.RequestThrottleOverride and SPSiteDataQuery.RequestThrottleOverride,
which will effectively cause SharePoint to ignore the throttling
behavior.Advanced List Concepts CHAPTER 1 37
TABLE 1-6 Items Throttled
for a Standard User with Large List Support Throttling
<5000 list items
Code and/or view query will run and
return the required result.
>3000 list items
No exception is thrown and the code
will run properly.
>5000 list items
An expensive query exception is
>5000 list items during time
window OK for large queries
Query threshold is not applied, query
runs even if the threshold has been exceeded.
Object Model Override = true and
RequestThrottleOverride is overridden
Exception is thrown if list is
throttled, and this property cannot be overridden by a normal user.
Using Central
Administration, a farm administrator can configure a time frame in which these
expensive queries can and cannot be run. Therefore, if a user wants to run a
query with 5001 items at 5:30 P.M. and the time-frame limitation is between
8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., the query would succeed. To see if a list is being
throttled or within warning limits, go to List Settings and look at the bar
that gives the number of items in the view/list.
To find out the
current throttling limits, follow these steps.
1. Open a browser
and go to the SharePoint Central Administration website.
2. Under
Application Management, select Manage Web Application.
3. Select the Web
application that you want to modify or view.
4. Click General
Settings in the Ribbon and select Resource Throttling. Figure 1-33 shows the
Central Administration Resource Throttling command on the General Settings
FIGURE 1-33 Resource
Figure 1-34,
which displays list resource throttling parameters, is the first of several
pages of information you will see with resource throttling settings. A farm
administrator should be familiar with these settings before any changes are
made to a SharePoint site. Also, it’s portant to test all new settings in a
development environment before applying configuration changes in production.
1-34 List Resource Throttling parameters
An Upgrade Warning: Setting Throttle Limits
When upgrading from
SharePoint Server 2007 to SharePoint 2010, any list that contains a default
view of more than the throttled limit (default: 5000) will not be immediately
available until a new default view is created.
farm administrator should become familiar with the Windows PowerShell commands,
which will display and set the throttling limits. These commands are listed in
Table 1-7, with examples.
TABLE 1-7 Windows PowerShell Commands for Displaying and Setting
Throttling Limits
Get max threshold values
for Web application
$sitecol = Get-SPSite
Get max threshold values
for Web application— example usage
$sitecol = Get-SPSite
= 2000 (set throttle warning to 2000 items – default
3000)$sitecol.WebApplication.MaxItemsPerThrottledOperation = 4000 (set
throttle to 4000 – default 5000)
= 30000 (set super user throttle to 30000 – default
20000)$sitecol.WebApplication.AllowOMCodeOverrideThrottleSettings = False
(set code override for throttling to False – default True)
Note: Values in this
section are for example purposes and are not recommendations
Find large list throttle
(look for IsThrottled in results)
To link to an
existing site column, complete the following steps.
1. Click List
under the List Tools tab and then select List Settings.
2. Click Add From
Existing Site Columns.
3. Select the site
group All Groups.
4. Select the FTP
Site column from Available Site Columns.
5. Click Add and
then click OK.
Creating a Site Column
To create a new site column in
SharePoint 2010 from the root of the site collection, complete the following
1. Click Site
Actions in the Ribbon and select Site Settings.
2. Click Site
Columns under Galleries.
3. Click Create.
You will see a new page that you use to create the column, setting the title,
settings, and validation as necessary. When you have finished selecting the settings
for the new site column, click OK.
NOTE If, as the site administrator, you plan on creating
many new columns, you should consider creating a new Site Column Group.
Modifying a Site Column
To modify an existing site column in
SharePoint 2010 from the root of the site collection, complete the following
1. Click Site
Actions in the Ribbon.
2. Click Site
Columns under Galleries.
3. Click the site
column you want to modify.
IMPORTANT As with lists, only certain changes to the list
type are supported, and content might be lost when converting from one type to
another, such as going from a multiple lines of text type to a single line of
4. Change or edit
the group if needed.
5. Change settings
as needed.
6. Set the Update
All Columns Based Upon This Site Column option to Yes to update all of the site
columns. This operation can take a while to run, and any customizations to
child list settings might be lost.
7. Click
Editing List Input Forms
with most applications, managers often request at least one feature that
generally requires costly customization. A software platform can provide a
thousand features, but one department’s managers will focus on a customization
they think they must have but which is either not available or is cost
prohibitive to provide.
to SharePoint 2010, the process of customizing list input forms was a grueling,
cumbersome task and required SharePoint Designer or a custom Web Part.
SharePoint 2010 makes editing the input forms easier by utilizing the InfoPath
platform. The Ribbon for the list includes a section called Customize List, shown
in Figure 1-35.
1-35 List Ribbon
are four icons in this section, which assist the content or developer in
modifying the input forms. Table 1-8 lists these icons with descriptions of
TABLE 1-8 Icons for Modifying Input Forms
Customize Form icon allows a content administrator to use Microsoft InfoPath
2010 to create custom forms to add or edit items in the list.
Modify Form Web Parts icon allows a user to edit the default form Web Part
and Web page using a Web browser interface.
Modify Form In SharePoint Designer icon quickly opens the form in SharePoint
Designer 2010. You use SharePoint Designer to edit list settings, add or
remove columns, and create new views, forms, workflows, and custom actions.
Create Quick Step icon allows you to create a custom Ribbon button to perform
a custom action on a list. Creating a Quick Step will add a button to the
Quick Steps group on the Items tab.
1. Click the Modify Form Web Parts icon and select Default New
2. The Web Part property page opens, as shown in Figure 1-36,
and you can use its options to make changes to the appearance, layout, and
other advanced features. Under Advanced Features, a new option exists called
Show Toolbar With Ribbon.
FIGURE 1-36 The Edit Web Parts property page
3. When you are finished making changes to the Web Part, click
4. In the Ribbon, click Stop Editing.
follow the same process to modify the Edit Page Web Part and the Default
Display Web Part. For more information about managing Web Parts, see Chapter
19, “Web Parts and Their Functionality in SharePoint 2010.”
Modify Form Using InfoPath
Microsoft InfoPath
2010 can now be used to modify the list forms. Within a few minutes a new,
customized form is created, which allows form content to be grouped logically
depending on form requirements. In SharePoint Server 2007, InfoPath forms were
cumbersome to create and maintain; however, with SharePoint 2010, modifying the
look and feel of a form to comply with user requirements is easy. For example,
generally when a start and end date is required on a form, it is easier for the
user to fill out the form when the two date columns are side by side. The following
process explains the steps you would use to move the End Date next to the Start
Date in a list form.
1. Go to the SharePoint list and click the Customize Form
button in the Ribbon.
2. Microsoft InfoPath 2010 will open to allow edits to the new
form. Figure 1-37 shows a default list edit form. In the right pane you see the
fields available to place on the list. Making edits in the form is as easy as
creating a new row or column and dragging fields to the form with the mouse.
FIGURE 1-37 The default list edit form in InfoPath 2010
3. Make any additional changes to the page design by clicking
the Page Design tab, as shown in Figure 1-38. You can modify the colors, fonts,
and styles used in the page design as needed or required, similar to how you
modify a spreadsheet in Excel.
4. When you
have completed the changes you want to make, you should save the template and
verify it for validity. To verify, click the File tab at the top of the page to
open the Form Information panel. Click the Design Checker icon as shown in
Figure 1-39 to verify the form contents and layout. After you run the Design
Checker, control is returned to the form view (shown in Figure 1-37) and any
errors are listed in the right pane. Fix the errors identified by the Design
Checker, if there are any, and then return to the File tab to save and publish
the form. If you are publishing more than one form type to a list or library,
use Save As so the other forms are not overwritten.
FIGURE 1-38 Changing the
page design using the default list edit form in InfoPath 2010
FIGURE 1-39 Design Form Page
in InfoPath 2010
5. Publishing the form to SharePoint is as easy as clicking
Publish Your Form. The SharePoint site is updated and all references to the
Edit Form will now refer to the newly created list template. An example
modification to the End Date field is shown in Figure 1-40. Notice that the
Start Date and End Date fields are now located in this Project Information -
New Item form.
FIGURE 1-40 Newly published form results
State Service Error Message
If you see the error message when you try to publish a modified
form, the SharePoint 2010 State Service is not created:
"The form
cannot be rendered. This may be due to a misconfiguration of the Microsoft
SharePoint Server State Service. For more information, contact your server
One possible cause for this
error could be that the SharePoint 2010 farm was created manually without
running the farm Configuration Wizard.
To configure the SharePoint
2010 State Service using Windows PowerShell commands, complete the following
1. Open a browser and go to
the SharePoint Central Administration website.
On the taskbar, click Start, select Administrative Tools, and then select
Windows PowerShell Modules. This will start Windows PowerShell and load all
associated SharePoint modules.
3. In the Windows PowerShell
window, create a service application by typing the following command.
$serviceApp =
New-SPStateServiceApplication -Name "State Service"
4. Create a State Service
database and associate it with a service application by typing the following
-Name "StateServiceDatabase" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp
5. Create a State Service Application
Proxy and associate it with the service application by typing the following
-Name "State Service" -ServiceApplication $serviceApp
This will create the State
Service service application, and InfoPath published forms should render
properly. If you still see error messages when running custom forms, verify
that the Web application is associated with the State Service service
Modify Form Using SharePoint
Designer 2010
Designer 2010 enables power users and developers to customize solutions—with
little or no coding—that work for a variety of common scenarios ranging from
collaborative sites and Web publishing to line-of-business integration,
business intelligence, and human workflows. In this latest release, SharePoint
Designer 2010 has been greatly enhanced and it is important to understand the
changes in the new version. Features such as Contributor Settings, Database
Interface Wizards, and Site Publish, Backup, and Restore no longer are
available in SharePoint Designer 2010. For a full list of features that have
been removed, refer to
Additionally, SharePoint Designer 2010 offers new features such as the ability
to create Web Part Pages, master pages, lists, and workflows; setting
permissions for individual users; and saving and deleting site templates, to
name just a few.
addition to the changes mentioned, you can extend the SharePoint 2010 Ribbon using
standard development APIs to fulfill application and corporate requirements
using SharePoint Designer 2010 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. You can
customize both Ribbons and drop-down lists to display site lists, available Web
Parts, workflows, or other information as needed.
As in other Microsoft Office
2010 products, Quick Steps can be created to execute a mini-workflow process.
To create a Quick Step in the Ribbon that will update the full name of a
contact if one hasn’t been entered, complete the following steps.
1. Create a new contact list or open an existing contact list
and click List under List Tools in the Ribbon.
2. In the Customize List section of the Ribbon, you will see
icons that reflect the different actions available to customize the form. Refer
to Table 1-7 for a description of the icons and their functions. To create a
Quick Step, click the New Quick Step icon.
3. SharePoint Designer 2010 will automatically open and prompt
you for the SharePoint site credentials. Enter an appropriate login and
4. SharePoint Designer will then ask if you want to start a new
SharePoint workflow or an existing workflow on the Add A Button page, as shown
in Figure 1-41.
FIGURE 1-41 Using SharePoint Designer 2010 to add a new SharePoint
5. Select the option to Start A New Workflow.
6. In the Button Label text box, type a label for the button
you want to create.
7. Choose an image from the site. For example, you could use
the Recycle Bin image at /_layouts/images/fgimg.png. You can click the Browse
button to look for other images or type a path to the image you want to use
directly in the Button Image text box.
NOTE Be sure to enter the image URL as a reference to the
SharePoint site, such as /images/imagefilename.png; do not hard code the URL
prefix by using a URL such as
This will ensure that all users will have access to the image, no matter the
site collection or URL by which the page is called.
8. Click OK.
9. The new Button Design page displays. The controls on this
page will be similar to Microsoft Visual Studio Workflow. Using the workflow example
as a guide, shown in Figure 1-42, create the workflow steps using the
Condition, Action, and Step tabs in the Ribbon. This workflow will update the
full name of a contact if one hasn’t been entered on a list item.
MORE INFO For more information on creating workflows in
SharePoint Designer 2010, refer to
FIGURE 1-42 SharePoint Designer Add actions to Workflow
10. Save and publish the workflow as a new Quick Step. You will
see the new Quick Step icon in your list when you click the List Tools – Items
Tab. The new Quick Step icon will be located in the Quick Steps section of the
Ribbon, as shown in Figure 1-43.
FIGURE 1-43 SharePoint Designer List with new Quick Step
11. To execute the new Quick Step, select the check boxes to the
left of the list items you want to update and then click the new Quick Step
icon. After the Quick Step has completed, a new field in the list will appear.
In Figure 1-43, the new column name is called Button – UpdateFullName.
Microsoft Office Integration
2010 is more closely tied to the Microsoft Office application suite than
previous versions. Along with the traditional Office integration features such
as editing, check-out, and version control on Office documents, integration has
been extended to include retrieving data from SharePoint lists and libraries.
Integration to enterprise line-of-business (LOB) data is also available through
the SharePoint Business Connectivity Services (BSC). More information on the
BSC can be found in Chapter 18, “Aggregating External Data Sources.”
SharePoint Workspace 2010
One of
the more interesting Office integration components is the Microsoft SharePoint
Workspace 2010, which allows you to take SharePoint sites offline but maintain
edit capability. SharePoint Workspace 2010 is a more evolved form of the
product called Microsoft Groove, which allowed users to synchronize data and
files between different systems. Many of the features in the Groove application
still remain; however, those features are now adapted to include the SharePoint
2010 framework. SharePoint Workspace 2010 is also included with Microsoft
Office Ultimate 2010 and is a must have for any users who are mobile and out of
the office on a regular basis.
SharePoint Workspace 2010 has been installed on the client system, it can begin
synchronizing to SharePoint 2010 sites. Depending on the size of the SharePoint
sites that need to be synchronized, you should probably recommend to users that
they connect their laptop or desktop computer to the corporate local area
network (LAN) during the synchronizing process to ensure that all content is
initially downloaded successfully. The user’s computer must have adequate
storage space, of course, to synchronize the SharePoint sites successfully.
The first time you execute the
SharePoint Workspace 2010 application, you will need to create an account
profile. When you complete the profile, the Launchbar is loaded (refer to
Figure 1-45 for an idea of what the Launchbar looks like), and you will then
need to attach to the SharePoint 2010 Server by completing the following steps.
1. Click New on the Home tab.
2. Type the SharePoint 2010 server name, such as http://myservername.
3. Click OK when asked if you want to synchronize the site.
4. Synchronizing will begin automatically, and when it has
completed, you will see a notification page, similar to the one shown in
Figure 1-44, that indicates the status of the synchronization process. You
might find that there are some sites, lists, or libraries that are not
supported yet.
FIGURE 1-44 SharePoint Workspace synchronization notification page
5. At this point, SharePoint Workspace 2010 is now working
online and will synchronize a single site at a time. If more than one site
needs to be synchronized, the user must return to the initial SharePoint
Workspace 2010 launch menu and create another link to a SharePoint site. The
SharePoint Workspace Launchbar is shown in Figure 1-45. All sites that have
been synchronized will be shown here.
When the site has finished
synchronizing, there are a wide variety of actions you can perform on a site
from within SharePoint Workspace 2010. For example, you can search items
synchronized to the desktop from the Launchbar just as if you were accessing
the SharePoint site in a browser. You can also set up alerts to notify a user
of changes in the SharePoint site content.
To add a site
contact, click the Add Contact button in the Ribbon; to delete a contact,
highlight the contact in the main panel and press the Delete key on the
To open or work
on documents in a synchronized site, click the SharePoint site name from the
Launchbar. The SharePoint site will open and provide access to the available
lists, libraries, and other site content. Figure 1-54 is an example of a
SharePoint team site synchronized to SharePoint Workspace 2010.
In Figure 1-46, content is
available for the user to access either online or offline. This functionality
allows a user to synchronize a SharePoint site to a laptop computer and access
documents even when disconnected from the corporate network. Certain list types
and pages are available only if the workspace is connected to the SharePoint
site, however. These lists and pages are clearly identified in the workspace
client. In Figure 1-46, the lists in the Available On Server column are only
available when the user is connected to the corporate LAN.
1-46 A SharePoint Workspace 2010 team site
The Project
Tasks list in the example in Figure 1-46, however, is available offline and
utilizes a customized InfoPath form for data entry. These forms are available
offline, so users can enter data and synchronize it back to the server without
error. Just as the SharePoint Ribbon changes based on field types, the
Workspace client also changes. Some of the Ribbon items, such as workflow and
custom Ribbon icons, are not available in the workspace; to use them, a user
must connect to SharePoint Workspace 2010 using a Web browser.
In Figure 1-47,
the Ribbon shows the actions you can take on a site that is synchronized
through SharePoint Workspace 2010.
1-47 The SharePoint Workspace 2010 Ribbon
The Sync tab allows you to
synchronize a site manually and provides you with the ability to redefine
synchronization settings and check the status of the last synchronization
operation. The View tab on the Ribbon is similar to the view settings in a Web
browser—you can define and use different views on a list or library. In
addition, you can use the View tab to open new workspace windows to view
multiple sets of data at the same time, as shown in Figure 1-48.
1-48 SharePoint Workspace 2010 View Ribbon
In general, the
new SharePoint Workspace 2010 is a valuable tool that has been added to the
SharePoint suite of products to enable users to interact and collaborate when
they are out of the office and unable to access a SharePoint site directly.
Microsoft Word 2010
One of the new features in Microsoft
Office 2010 is a Share option that allows you to publish a document to a
SharePoint site without manually uploading the file first. After you create a
document in Microsoft Word 2010, for example, you can click the File tab and
then select Share to open the page shown in Figure 1-49. Then click the Save To
SharePoint option and select a SharePoint site location, and the document will
be uploaded automatically to the SharePoint site.
FIGURE 1-49 uploading a
document to a SharePoint site directly from Microsoft Word 2010
Also located
under the File tab is the Info option, which displays SharePoint-related information
about setting permissions, checking document properties, and version/check-out
status. Figure 1-50 shows an example of the information that is displayed.
1-50 Microsoft Word file information displayed using the Info tab
Microsoft Word 2010 can also use
SharePoint 2010 list data for mail merges and form information. The techniques
for handling list data from SharePoint 2010 are similar for all Office
products, such as Excel, and provide users with ubiquitous access to SharePoint
Microsoft Office 2010
and SharePoint 2010 allow users to work anywhere the need arises, collaborate
better with SharePoint integration, and get work done faster than ever before.